AMW10.ZIP 181,099 10-20-92 ArcMaster for Windows v1.0 - ExcellentCompressed file manager for Windows
APPBAR33.ZIP 141,821 09-03-92 Version 3.3 of this great application barfor windows. Freeware.
BETA_NT.ZIP 1,120 10-04-92 Statement From Microsoft Regarding ScheduleFor Windows NT Beta.
BLUHANDS.ZIP 30,694 09-24-92 .BMP for Windows Wallpaper: Very Cool.
CLIPMT15.ZIP 104,265 08-10-92 ClipMate for Windows v1.52 <ASP> - ClipboClipboard Enhancement. ClipMate remembersall text items that appear on the Clipboard. You can retrieve, edit, and append clipboarddata, with the aid of functions such as WordFind, Magnify, Auto-Glue, Re-Flow Paragraph,and Print. Saves the data to disk betweensessions. New update features Print,Auto-Glue. Shareware $25 U.S. by ThorntonSoftware
COMISH10.ZIP 41,357 09-30-92 A windows 3.x stock and option commissioncalculator. Includes 3 discount brokagefirms. SHAREWARE $ 15.00 Reg. 09-30-1992.
COMM56.ZIP 7,173 09-28-92 COMM56.DRV v1.1: MS-Windows 3.1 comm driverthat maps 600 baud into 57,600 baud;requires 16550-class uart; 09/28/92; JanBottorff.
COOK11.ZIP 204,586 09-18-92 Komputer Kitchen v1.1: easy-to-use Windowsbased cookbook and recipe manager create ashopping list; can tailor recipes to thenumber of people you're serving;
CRYPTFNT.ZIP 47,243 10-04-92 Windows 3.1 True Type font - drippingletters good for Halloween.
CURSORIF.ZIP 125,789 11-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type font - drippingletters good for Halloween.
CVIEW097.ZIP 208,147 08-22-92 ColorView v. 0.97 for Windows 3.x HighSpeed JPEG/JFIF, GIF, BMP Viewer. JPEG Is AHighly Compressed 24 Bit "True Color"Picture File Format Which Has More ColorsAnd A Smaller File Size Than GIF Files. HSVand Gamma correction. [ASP] Newest File inArchive: August, 1992
DBCOIN10.ZIP 343,090 10-12-92 dBCoin(TM) for Windows Version 1.0 Released:9/30/1992 BBS name: DBCOIN.ZIP Coincollection inventory system designed for thehobbyist. Information about each coin caninclude: country, catalog number, typedenomination, mint date, grade, purchasedate cost, market value and comments. Requires: README, DBCOIN.EXE, DBCOIN.DOC,VBRUN100.DLL, CMDIALOG.VBX, GRID.VBX,ISAM.DLL, ISAMUDT.DLL ISAM.INI, BUFMNGR.EXE,
DNGDNGTT.ZIP 12,961 10-11-92 Windows 3.1 TrueType Font Ding Dong.
DZ16.ZIP 65,178 11-03-92 Drag And Zip v.1.6 - Zip Shell for Win 3.1File Manager or any file manager thatsupports Drag and Drop. ASP Shareware. Drag And Zip makes any file manager thatsupports Drag and Drop into a Zip filemanager. Drag files to a zipper icon andrun PKZIP on them. Double click on a zipfile and view it. Extract, delete, view. run and run the associated program on filesin the Zip file. Newest File in Archive:
FC_20F.ZIP 569,727 10-13-92 File Commander - 2.0F Allows addition ofprogrammable menu items to the Windows 3.1File Manager. Makes File Manager into asuper-powerful shell. $49.95 Newest File inArchive: October, 1992
FILER20.ZIP 32,410 09-18-92 Filer v2.0: MS-Windows util that lets yousearch for, preview & delete files; supportswildcards; preview any file type, w/graphicsrequires VBRUN100.DLL; 09/18/92
FM423.ZIP 22,456 08-04-92 Freemem v4.23: moveable, pop-up, free memorydisplay for Microsoft Windows; A. Metz
GARAMONB.ZIP 21,275 04-20-92 Truetype font scaleable.
GB112.ZIP 298,256 09-12-92 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v1.08 <ASP> - AdvancedWindows based GradeBook for the professionaleducator. Req VBRUN100.DLL, 2MB and win ver3.x. Online help, user categories, optID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discardworst score(s), ext credit, score & gradedist's with charts, progress reports, importexport clipbd & font support, interimweights, reqd final scores, teacher notes,much more. Also
GB201.ZIP 260,790 12-13-92 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v2.01 <ASP> - AdvancedWindows based GradeBook for the professionaleducator. Req VBRUN200.DLL, 2MB and win ver3.x. Online help, user categories, optID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discardworst score(s), ext credit, score & gradedist's with charts, progress reports, importexport clipbd & font support, interimweights, reqd final scores, teacher notes,much more. Also Word and Excel macros. $29.
GREP13.ZIP 103,320 12-15-92 Windows Grep - Finds text in files
HELV_TTF.ZIP 20,017 01-01-92 Helevetica normal truetype font.
HIFI210A.ZIP 302,454 10-12-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.10 <ASP> - Disk 1 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial planning & calculationtool. Iconic, menu, button bar interfaces. Financial calculator, loan calculation &amortization, personal financial planner,investment analysis. Automatic charts andtables. Bugs fixed. From BrightridgeSolutions, Inc. Registration $59. NewestFile in Archive: October, 1992
HIFI210B.ZIP 350,080 10-12-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.10 <ASP> - Disk 2 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial Planning & Calculationtool. Iconic, menu, button bar interfaces. Financial calculator, loan calculation &amortization, personal financial planner,investment analysis. Automatic charts andtables. Bugs fixed. From BrightridgeSolutions, Inc. Registration $59. NewestFile in Archive: October, 1992
HOUSE102.ZIP 53,481 10-12-92 The latest HOUSE for Windows. Superlauncher. Unlimited menus (200 items each). GOBACK, DOAGAIN & much much more! 2inch tofull menu PAINT your OWN CITIES! OR letHOUSE make em Req. VBRUN100.DLL
IMPOST10.ZIP 138,370 09-26-92 Imposter v1.0: MS-Win 3.1 command lineprompt Run both DOS and Windows apps (BATscan run both). With command line editor,etc. Free
INCT11_A.ZIP 204,219 11-21-92 INCONTACT Ver 1.1 **Update** A completecontact manager for Windows, packed withfeatures for the professional. Link filesfrom other apps to any record, print formletters, labels, reports, and more. Alsoincludes custom fields, display options, upto 64K of notes per contact, and full DDEserver support. FILE 1 OF 2
LATIN10.ZIP 69,189 09-26-92 Toolbook application to enhance the readingenjoyment of Latin poetry. Windows 3.x
LECT_100.ZIP 51,391 05-26-92 "Lecture" provides TEXT-based lecturingslide show capabilities for Windows 3.xusers. Uses ASCII files created by NotePador any other text editor. Lets you walkaround with a mouse while flipping slides,change fonts & colors, run automated slideshows, and much more. Everything fits onone floppy for easy carry! ASP shareware,v1.00, $29.00.
LENS.ZIP 8,584 03-28-92 Lens v1.02 - A Windows screen Magnifier -uses StretchBlt to do the work.
LISTER.ZIP 43,520 09-24-92 Windows text file printer. Allows use ofall windows fonts.
LYNX_TT.ZIP 10,118 10-11-92 Windows 3.1 TrueType Font Lynx.
MD131.ZIP 89,342 09-19-92 Mortgage Designer For Windows, What-IfSpeciality For Refinancing or Buying A NewHome.
PASTE111.ZIP 22,368 10-12-92 Fast-Paste for Windows v1.11: util toenhance MS-Windows' cut/paste routine,allowing you to cut w/one button and pastew/another;
PBBAR.ZIP 6,460 10-13-92 PaintBrush Quick Menu for Windows 3.1.
PLUGIN11.ZIP 176,685 10-12-92 PLUG-IN FOR PROGRAM MANAGER v1.1 <ASP> -Dramatically improves Windows Program Mgr. Complete group management, run with history,individual icons for groups, etc Windows 3.x
PRTY12D1.ZIP 355,520 06-03-92 Parity 1.2 is a sophisticated stock chartingand T/A program for Windows 3.x. Over 30indicators, multiple charts and panes, userdefined formulas, candlestick, point &figure and Equivolume charts. Unique,powerful user interface. MetaStock,ChartPro, and comma delimited ASCII datafile compatible. Imports & exports toExcel, Lotus, and text files. Must have
PRTY12D2.ZIP 352,399 06-03-92 Parity 1.2 is a sophisticated stock chartingand technical analysis program for Windows3.x. Parity is fully functional shareware. This is File 2 of 2. Must also havePRTY12D1.ZIP to install Parity.
PSBAR.ZIP 11,784 10-12-92 PhotoStyler Quick menu for Windows 3.1.
RM_13D.ZIP 163,579 09-23-92 Windows Reminder - Personal Task Manager. Keeps track of to-do lists, set alarms(which can launch applications), printsreports. Supports DDE. $59.95 Newest Filein Archive: September, 1992
SABDU200.ZIP 288,835 10-01-92 SABDU Version 2.00 is a fully cooperativeWindows 3.x application that can be used toformat/copy/compare/save floppy disketteimages. Versatile, multi-copy program. Sample program included.
SALON.ZIP 482,722 09-14-92 The Salon Partner is an Inventory/Point ofSale/Ordering/Scheduling program designedspecifically for a Beauty Salon. For Win3.x
SECRET2.ZIP 4,028 10-12-92 Windows Secrets part 2 a text fileconcerning various hidden screens in windowsapplications
SSWIN31.EXE 769,027 04-24-92 Diamond Speed Star Plus Windows 3.1 drivers
STIKUM22.ZIP 171,026 10-01-92 Stikum-Up v2.2: MS-Windows 3.1 messagesystem that allows you to write someone oryourself a message/reminder from your Win3.1desktop that has impact; creates truestand-alone .EXE "objects" which containyour message; supports OLE object packager
STLW31_2.EXE 780,402 10-11-92 Latest (9-30-92) version of the DiamondStealth drivers for Windows 3.1 (version2.0). From the Diamond BBS.
SUPER311.ZIP 245,837 10-20-92 SuperMenu 3.11 for Windows! Novell AdminUtility for Windows. Allows Multi-WindowedNetwork Monitoring plus access to Novell andWindows Utilities! Supports Netware 286 and386! from Mini-Tech Systems
SYNTAX.ZIP 368,190 10-26-92 Syntax for Windows 3.1 - compiles/importsyour Wordperfect/Ascii text files into theWindows environment. New!
TCHAOS34.ZIP 186,937 09-15-92 Time & Chaos for Windows 3.x v3.4
TIPLO_TT.ZIP 21,069 10-11-92 Windows 3.1 TrueType Font Tiplo.
TN10A.ZIP 281,625 07-10-92 TakeNote 1.0 Disk 1 of 2. Easy to useWindows Personal Filer. Rolodex, autodialer, address book. 19 pre-defined cardsincluding business and home uses. Printlabels, 3x5 cards, reports. Search includes"sounds-like". Import/Export Cardfile,ASCII, dBase, CSV, WordPerfect.
TN10B.ZIP 157,269 07-13-92 TakeNote 1.0 Disk 2 of 2. Easy to useWindows Personal Filer. Rolodex, autodialer, address book. 19 pre-defined cardsincluding business and home uses. Printlabels, 3x5 cards, reports. Search includes"sounds-like". Import/Export Cardfile,ASCII, dBase, CSV, WordPerfect.
TPCLK206.ZIP 31,236 06-04-92 TopClock Windows 3.x Clock written in Cw/screen saver, and more.
TTFONTH1.ZIP 34,533 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTI1.ZIP 150,953 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTL1.ZIP 116,175 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTM1.ZIP 21,585 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTN1.ZIP 50,155 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTU1.ZIP 51,918 04-08-92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTF_N.ZIP 254,882 06-02-92 True type font -n.
TTF_O.ZIP 115,117 06-02-92 True type font -o.
TTF_P.ZIP 481,462 06-02-92 True type font -p.
TTTWIN.ZIP 54,529 08-31-92 Touch Type Tutor for Windows v1.0 <ASP> -Intelligent self customizing typing tutor. Super easy-to-use TOUCH TYPING TUTOR forWindows 3.X. Whether you want to rate aprofessional typist's speed or learn totouch type from scratch, this program has itall! Intelligently customizes to learner'sskill level, ensuring the fastest learningcurve. Suitable for individual use, forteachers
V11N17.ZIP 78,466 10-01-92 PC Magazine files 10/13/92issue. IncludesBUGS, a Windows screen blanker of bugs whichslowly gobble up your screen.
VPLAYW20.ZIP 95,060 08-04-92 Voice Blaster Jr 2.0 A Windows 3.1application. Queue up any combination ofaudio wave .WAV and music midi .MID files.
W31_13.ZIP 789,071 10-01-92 Trident Windows 3.1 Driver Rel 1.3 -=-9/25/92Supports ALL Trident chips HiColor -=D/L'd from Trident BBS =-
WAVE2A.ZIP 396,950 05-25-92 .WAV collection for Windows 3.x includingthe Twilight Zone. 10 files
WAX.ZIP 18,213 05-04-92 Beeswax true type font for windows 3.1.
WBT31A.ZIP 238,235 02-20-92 WinBatch V3.1A - Batch language for Windows
WB_40G.ZIP 607,623 10-13-92 WinBatch - 4.0G Write Windows Batch FilesDialogs, automatic program control, andpowerful data manipulation features lets youcontrol Windows. A must for the power user. Over 200 functions let you do *anything* inWindows! DDE, Multimedia, and More! $69.95Newest File in Archive: October, 1992
WFIND16.ZIP 26,295 10-01-92 Find program for Windows.
WGVIEW.ZIP 36,077 01-01-92 Windows v3.x graphics viewer.
WIN31ACC.ZIP 330,307 09-22-92 New display drivers for ATI acceleratedcards 8514/A, Graphics Ultra, GraphicsVantage. W/ crystal fonts and 1280x1024mode. Windows 3.1
WINCHING.ZIP 99,721 10-04-92 ICHING (Chinese Book of Changes) in WindowsToolbook format
WINCL03.ZIP 433,526 10-01-92 Trident Win 3.x Drivers for 8900CL & CXChips ONLY for 8900CL & CX DOES NOT SUPPORTOTHERS Beta Driver 9/25/92from Trident BBS
WINEXI.COM 22,446 10-17-92 Handy Windows utility to exit from Windows,restart Windows, or re-boot your system
WINQ200.ZIP 281,955 06-01-92 WINQWK 2.0 QWK mail reader with spell cheWindows 3.1 application
WINWALL1.ZIP 163,172 06-03-92 Assortment of good Windows wallpaper.
WINZIP32.ZIP 128,858 10-03-92 WinZip 3.2 ZIP/LZH/SFX/ARC shell w/DRAG&DROPNew: Built-in ZIP Extraction, Font SelectionASP Shareware.Does everything. Wins awards.
WNLIST10.ZIP 66,810 08-11-92 Winlist v1.0: MS-Windows 3.1 HPLJ printingutility that allows you to print 2 pages ofASCII text on a single page of paper;supports drag and drop for file selection;
WNRG13.ZIP 237,203 10-01-92 Register for Windows; comprehensive gradingprogram for teachers; uses points up to 999,room for 80 grades for each of 150 studentsper class; extensive reporting and exportingof grades and statistics; requires Windows3.1, a sound driver, TrueType or Postscriptfont and VBRUN100.DLL. redesignedinterface. bug fix; Based on 4 quarters;Shareware GRADES STUDENTS EDUCATION WINDOWSDenis L
WOLW63.ZIP 295,718 10-16-92 Windows Online Weekly 10\17\92
WSCAN97.ZIP 200,160 10-15-92 McAfee's virus scan for windows. McAfee'svirus scan for windows. Scans for known andunkown viruses.